Sunday, December 1, 2013

Rickard's Red Mojito

A few weeks ago I made a blog entry detailing a recent excursion to Moxie's. one drink in particular left quite an impression. That drink was the Black Spice Mojito. It was everything I wanted in a beer cocktail, marrying the famous mojito with a deep amber ale.

I was left inspired to recreate the drink, which I did. My version has only a few changes from the original. What I've done is prepare thin slices of ginger, to be muddled with brown sugar and mint. Next I add an ounce of dark rum, two squeezed lime wedges, and shake with ice, before topping with roughly three ounces of Rickard's Red (a personal favourite), and ginger ale.

The finale is to garnish it with a few healthy looking mint sprigs and skewered lime wheel and ginger.

It tasted quite like the original - unfortunately, a bit too much like the original. However, since coming up with this 'copy', I did have a few ideas on how to make it stand out more as being my own thing.

Once again, I also really want to say 'good job' to Moxie's for coming up with this. Really, you deserve the praise for this one!

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