Friday, February 14, 2014

The Bottle Opener: "The Beer Details"

The newest episode of 'The Bottle Opener' YouTube show is up, and ready for your viewing pleasure!

In this episode I talk about two things; Beer, and details. Or more specifically, the anatomy of a pint of beer, and perception of the beer as received by guests.

Now, there's something I want to be really clear on, and perhaps I wasn't clear enough about this in the video. Guest perception is not a reflection of your ability, or how well you did. It's a reflection of what's going on inside their minds. You could have done everything possible to exceed their expectations, and you still might not please them. Try to remember that behind those disappointed or angry faces are the minds of human beings, and who knows what's going on inside their minds?

They may just be having a bad day (or even a bad life in general), and this is their way of venting. Of course, I'm not condoning that people take frustration out on other people, but just try to keep this in mind. We're all, more or less, victims of our own mental states from time to time. Try to use your abilities to empathize, as well as your abilities to serve or bartend. Nothing excuses terrible behavior, but neither is terrible behavior an excuse for you to stop caring.

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